Sunday, February 28, 2010

Don't Make this FaceBook Mistake!

Do you have a FaceBook page? Almost everyone has a personal FaceBook these days. If you own a business it is imperative that you are on FaceBook. Their are currently over 400 million active FB users and that number is increasing every day. With that amount of exposure why would you not be on FB? This point was brought home to me last Wednesday when I saw a presentation by Mark and Deb Gehrke of Mandala Life Media. They are social networking gurus and have excellent ideas for small business owners.

I have had a personal FB for over two years and an inactive business FB for about that same amount of time. FB is so easy to use that I cannot believe I was idle on it for so long. Their are many common mistakes that people can make however. The biggest mistake I made was not knowing the difference between becoming a fan and adding to my favorites. Because I connected my business page to my personal page I found that I need to be on my business page and then add other businesses as "Favorite Pages". I believe it is important to add favorites to show support of other local businesses and to create awareness of your business by increasing exposure.

My place to check for really good tips is Donna Maria's Indie Business Blog:
Indie Business Blog

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